Celebrating 20 Years

Highlighting growth, expertise and impact over two decades

Thomas Construction Group reflects on two decades of growth as we celebrate 20 years of building stronger communities, lasting partnerships, and resilient structures. From humble beginnings to becoming a well-positioned leader in the construction industry, our journey has been defined by dedication, collaboration, and a commitment to excellence.

Join us throughout the year as we share twenty stories for twenty years that have shaped who we are today.

Roger and Chris + New Hanover County Government Center photo

Key Milestones


Thomas Construction Group was founded in Wilmington, NC.


Surpassed $5MM in annual revenues.


First behavioral health customer, first repeat client, and first out-of-state project – Peak View Behavioral Health.


First North Carolina construction company to earn SHARP certification for exemplary safety standards.


First concrete tilt project – Novant Health Emergency Department.


Unveiled new brand identity and introduced a logo with a bold, progressive vision of future growth.


Surpassed $100MM in annual revenues.


Collaborated with community partners to create Eden Village of Wilmington, a tiny home community to house the chronically homeless.


Completed a CMAR Public-Private Partnership project – New Hanover County Government Redevelopment.


Celebrating 20 years of service, marking two decades of contributions to the region’s construction landscape. 

20 Stories For 20 Years

20 Years of Growth and What Comes Next

Women in Construction Week

The People Who Helped Shaped Thomas

The First Milestone in Thomas Construction Group’s History

20 Years of Building: The Founding of Thomas Construction Group

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